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Player projects

SuboptimalAnalyze Turing Complete Profiles and ScoresGenerates leaderboards from the API on this website
FakeNeo, danielrabLeaderboards
Vincent_convert.pyConverts an mp4 video file to uncompressed 80x24 video frames for use on the console component in the game.
AbelianGrape, Endershadow and MegaIngETC.ACommunity architecture designed to be extensible, practical, and educational.
MegaIng, Logxentc-to-verilogConvert game schematics to verilog.
BenjaminSchaafRV32i CPUCompile rust code for a RISC-V CPU I made in Turing Complete.
anozakiTurning Complete + FPGAThe project aims to get Turing Complete design running on a real FPGA! Turning complete (TC) added Verilog export and allowed us to load the design onto an FPGA.
NaritcsaveeditorA save editing python script for Turing Complete.
NariNari's youtube channelVideos of Tetris, Snake, Game of life and other impressive builds.

The leaderboard API

The following APIs are all on this server, like https://turingcomplete.game/api_usernames, but works with both http and https and are all in CSV format

Score types are as follows:
0 best sum
1 best gate
2 best delay
3 best tick

/api_usernamesServer id to username relationship
/api_level_metaenum_number, enum_id, title, is_architecture, no_scoreMeta data for levels. The order here is the same as on player profiles
/api_scoreuser_id, level_id, gate, delay, tick, score_typeServer scores
/api_score_0user_id, level_id, gate, delay, tickServer scores, best sum only
/api_score_1user_id, level_id, gate, delay, tickServer scores, best gate only
/api_score_2user_id, level_id, gate, delay, tickServer scores, best delay only
/api_score_3user_id, level_id, gate, delay, tickServer scores, best tick only
/api_profile_0/{user_id}level_id, gate, delay, tickUser score, best sum only
/api_profile_1/{user_id}level_id, gate, delay, tickUser score, best gate only
/api_profile_2/{user_id}level_id, gate, delay, tickUser score, best delay only
/api_profile_3/{user_id}level_id, gate, delay, tickUser score, best tick only
/api_level_0/{level_id}/{page}/{count}user_id, gate, delay, tickLevel scores sorted by best first. Best sum only
/api_level_1/{level_id}/{page}/{count}user_id, gate, delay, tickLevel scores sorted by best first. Best gate only
/api_level_2/{level_id}/{page}/{count}user_id, gate, delay, tickLevel scores sorted by best first. Best delay only
/api_level_3/{level_id}/{page}/{count}user_id, gate, delay, tickLevel scores sorted by best first. Best tick only

Save editing

I also maintain a library for players to parse and save circuit data:
Save Monger